Friday, December 13, 2019

Christmas Concert

I am so proud of the kids for doing a great job at their Christmas Sing!  Even with the technology glitch of no piano, they rocked it out!   It is amazing to look at them and see just how far they have come and grown since the beginning of the school year.   

They did such a good job waiting patiently!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Candy Cane Science

Today we started our Candy Cane Science Unit!  The kids were so excited to be scientists today.  We started with one simple experiment where we predicted if a candy cane would sink or float.  We talked about what we needed to complete our experiment and we recorded the process together. 

Many of the students were surprised to see that Candy Canes SINK!  As we recorded our observations and results, I left the candy cane in the water.  The kids were very intrigued that the candy cane disappeared!  We will do another experiment with dissolving candy canes next week.

The next experiment we did was to compare a soft, round peppermint to a traditional peppermint candy cane,  The kids were each given one to sample and then they had to decide which they preferred.  We talked about what was similar about the candy and what was different.  We then recorded what the class most preferred.  We even got opinions for Ms. Pam (Secretary) and Ms. Chelsea (School Nurse).  It was a close race, but soft peppermints were preferred over traditional candy canes by a small margin. 

We can't wait to complete more candy cane experiments next week!!