Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Work Out Wednesday

 Workout Wednesday was a ton of fun!  We played with frisbees, had some kicking and throwing contests, raced some races and had lots of laughs!  We ended the day with our final Kindergarten good-bye to Mrs. Peterson, as today was our last gym day!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Bubble Day!

 We had SO much fun playing with bubbles today!  We are soaking up the last bit of time we have together!  Tomorrow is Work Out Wednesday!  We are so excited!

Monday, May 17, 2021


 Huge Thank You to Mrs. Peterson for planning a super fun and exciting field day today!  

This little toad wanted to join in our field day fun! 

We started out at the parachute.  Mrs. Peterson helped us play lots of different games at this station!  

Next we moved onto the obstacle course!  

 Next we moved onto Animal Rescue!  

Last we got to play empty the bucket where they worked together as a team to throw all of their balls into the bigger bin.  

We had so much fun today!