Friday, December 16, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 It is hard to believe that this school year is already to the halfway point.  Time sure flies when you are having fun!  

I'm sure your kiddos told you that our class received a grant from Donor's Choose and we got a drying rack and painting supplies so we can step up our creativity in the classroom. The kiddos have had so much fun painting!  

We will continue to utilize our new supplies in the classroom.  I am very thankful that our classroom was chosen to receive the grant.  Donor's Choose is a website where teachers create a project and post it with hopes that someone will fund part or all of their project.  Our project was funded by multiple different people on Giving Tuesday.  

This week we have had so much fun celebrating spirit week.  The kids really seem to enjoy spirit weeks.  

We also have done a couple science experiments with candy canes this week.  I believe their favorite was the taste testing.  They definitely prefer sweet over minty! 

This week we also got to go to a Scholastic Book Fair and choose three books free of charge to our students.  This project is funded by United Way and we are so thankful they do this for our students.  

Lastly, I am SO proud of these kiddos for ROCKING out their concert.  They were very nervous, but they owned the stage.  I can't wait to see their future performances!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and I hope the kiddos have a nice and relaxing break. 

Friday, November 4, 2022



This week we had our very first theme day this year!  We had GLOW DAY!  We had so much fun!  We spend the day doing all sorts of learning activities that glow under the black lights.  

We started the day working in our phonics journal.  The kids got to use neon crayons and highlighters to write their words and their making words letter were on neon paper. 

After phonic we started literacy learning centers.  Students got to learn at different glowing centers.  They got to make words in the neon rice bin, write the room using highlighters, learned about the sight word you, played tic tac toe, and worked on building fine motor skills by placing glow beads on decodable words. 

In the afternoon we read the book Creepy Underwear which is always a class favorite!  It is especially cool, because the illustrations glow in the black light!

We transitioned into math centers where kids worked together to build towers and count how many cups high their towers were and they completed many center activities to build number sense. 

We ended the day with free play and glowing volcanoes!

We had a great glow day!  

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

This Is Halloween!

 We had so much fun celebrating Halloween on Friday and Monday.  The kids all looked super cute in their costumes and had so much fun walking in the parade.  On Halloween we talked about our five senses as we carved a pumpkin.  We will try eating pumpkin seeds soon. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Apple Fun!

 We have had so much fun learning about apples this week! 

We learned all about how apples grow, the different types and colors of apples and we taste tested lots of different apple things!  

All of the students LOVED the Mott's apple juice!

We learned about the different parts of an apple! 

Today we spent our morning peeling and coring apples to make homemade applesauce!  The kids were very helpful and used their GIANT muscles!  

We put it in the crockpot with some water and sugar and put the temperature to high.  Our classroom smelled SO good all day!

When it was time to taste test, Mrs. Kurich's friends came to join us.  We made PLENTY of applesauce!  We compared how Mott's applesauce and homemade applesauce are similar and how they are different by looking at them.  We talked about how the homemade applesauce doesn't have preservatives and only stays good for a couple of days, and it is also why the homemade applesauce looks brown and the Mott's applesauce is yellow. 

Then the fun part came!  We got to taste test!  As you can tell from the photos, some friends LOVED it and some friends...not so much!

After we taste tested both types of applesauce, we graphed which one we liked better! 

Friday, September 9, 2022


 We had a great spirit week!  Our class was in full spirit mode all week! It was so much fun to see them SO excited about coming into school in their awesome outfits every day! 

Pajama day was so epic, I caught them sleeping on the job!

Everyone looked so adorable in their blue!

Yesterday we dressed like something that started with the first letter of our first or last name!

And today we showed our EPIC school spirit!!

The kids had a blast at the parade and they were such good listeners there!  I was really proud of how they handled the chaos of the parade!  They each have a brown bag with candy in their backpack!

We even got to see one of my personal kiddos!  She threw us A LOT of candy!