We have had so much fun learning about apples this week!
We learned all about how apples grow, the different types and colors of apples and we taste tested lots of different apple things!
All of the students LOVED the Mott's apple juice!
We learned about the different parts of an apple!
Today we spent our morning peeling and coring apples to make homemade applesauce! The kids were very helpful and used their GIANT muscles!
We put it in the crockpot with some water and sugar and put the temperature to high. Our classroom smelled SO good all day!
When it was time to taste test, Mrs. Kurich's friends came to join us. We made PLENTY of applesauce! We compared how Mott's applesauce and homemade applesauce are similar and how they are different by looking at them. We talked about how the homemade applesauce doesn't have preservatives and only stays good for a couple of days, and it is also why the homemade applesauce looks brown and the Mott's applesauce is yellow.
Then the fun part came! We got to taste test! As you can tell from the photos, some friends LOVED it and some friends...not so much!

After we taste tested both types of applesauce, we graphed which one we liked better!