Tuesday, February 22, 2022

TWO-Riffic TWOs-day!!

 What a special day to be in Kindergarten!  2-22-22 is a date not one of us is likely to see again, so of course we had to celebrate...kindergarten style!

We made Twos-day crowns, and made silly 2 monsters!

We read a book that was all about Twos-day, played a game where the only number that can win is 2, and we found a hidden picture by coloring all the 2's!

At snack time, a couple friends decided to even make their cheetos into the number 2!!

As always, thank you for sharing your kiddo's with me and allowing me to have so much fun with them while they learn and grow!  We work hard and play hard in kindergarten! 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day!

 We had so much fun celebrating Valentine's Day today!  We started the day making a special craft for someone we love!

Then we passed out our Valentine's to our friends!  These are in your kiddos backpacks, so make sure they take them out tonight!  We then had some inside recess and a PIZZA PARTY!

We had some fun sorting and stacking conversation hearts!  I believe our highest tower was 12 conversation hearts high!

We played Valentine's Day Bingo too!

I love celebrating special days with these kiddos!  I am so lucky to have 16 Valentines right in my classroom!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

100th Day of School!

 We had a BLAST celebrating 100 days of learning together!  When the students arrived today they discovered 100 HERSHEY KISSES hidden in our room.  They had to work together to find all 100 and put them in number order!

Of course, after finding 100 hershey kisses, they got to eat some too! 

We worked together to write 100 words!  It was hard work, but together all things are possible!

We put our pictures in an age generator to see what we might look like when we are 100 and we made adorable 100 Days Brighter hats too!

During math we played a dice game with a partner where we raced to see who could get to 100 first!

We had so much fun doing 100 exercises! 

We topped off the day with an extra special 100th day snack!

I feel so lucky that I have gotten to spend 100 days learning with these kiddos!  They have grown and learned so much in our time together!