Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Floor is Lava!



Students came in today to find our classroom covered in hot lava (AKA shredded red and orange paper).  There was a volcano on the board spewing lava everywhere!  They had to work together to get through all four stations safely!  The safely part was a bit challenging today because some friends left their listening ears on the playground this morning! No worries, we found them and got it all worked out quickly! Whew!  

The rotated through four centers that included a pattern blocks relay race, cup stacking aka volcano building, drawing station, and dinosaur sensory bin.  The kids had a blast! 

Don't fret!  All kinder friends made it through floor is lava day with no injuries or burns!  We had a few close calls, but they are very agile and graceful!  

Friday, May 19, 2023

Field Day Fun!

 Field Day was a blast!  Mrs. Peterson works so hard to plan such a fun day and we could not have asked for better weather! We rotated through ten separate stations that included games like Animal Rescue, Empty Your Bucket, Tic Tac Toe Relay Races, Bucket Brigade, Army Crawl Rope Swing, Potato Sack Races, Relay Races and so much more!  Enjoy some of the pictures of our fun day.  I can't wait for your kiddo to tell you all about it!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Field Trip Fun!

 We had so much fun today at Severson Dells.  We got to walk through nature and learn look for shapes, colors and letters in Nature.  We even found sticks to write build our names with!  

We got to see a creek and a pond.  In the pond we spotted different types of animals. We saw three turtles and SO many frogs.  The kids got to stick their hand in the pond and feel the pond water.  At the creek, we through small twigs in to see which way they floated.  

We walked through along the path that crossed the prairie and through the forest preserve also!
The kids had such nice manners and did a great job listening!

After our hiking adventures we got together with the rest of the kindergarten classes and ate lunch.  We got to play on an awesome playground!  We had so much fun!