Today we had SO much fun having Candy Cane Olympics! We started out singing some Christmas Carols with Miss Dobson and then we let the games begin! One thing we have noticed this year is that some of our friends are having a hard time winning and losing gracefully. We are trying to give them more experiences with winning and losing to help build some resiliency in that area. We also had to practice patience today because not everyone got to play every game. Some friends got called to play the first game and then didn't get called again and some friends were called at the VERY END, for the very last game. The kids did a great job waiting for their turn and cheering on their friends. Most of them did a great job winning and losing gracefully.
Each class made a class flag today. Since I was in uniform, the kids called me Elf Amber today. Naturally, our class flag had the cutest strand of Christmas lights on it!

We worked on fine motor control when we stacked peppermints! Some friends were a little frustrated when their tower fell right at the last second!