If you checked out the book fair last week at conferences, you may have noticed that I recommended this book. It really is a great story! I used to own this book, but when I moved from my old school to Clark School, some things got lost in the shuffle and this was one of them. Lucky for me, this was purchased and donated to our classroom. If you have never seen the book, here is a great youtube reading of the story...
After lots of giggles reading the story and talking about how great it was that the main characters WANTED to lose, we had a Rock, Paper Scissors, single elimination, tournament. (I was eliminated in the second round by a very adorable kinder kid who shall remain nameless) The kids had so much fun cheering each other on. Our winner was................
In other news, this week is Kindness Week at our school. To celebrate, today we made cards for someone important to us! The kids worked really hard to write their best sentences and make their card beautiful!
The kids really did a great job working hard on their cards, and their reasons for loving were so sweet and thoughtful!
Just a reminder that we will be having donuts and orange juice for Valentine's Day first thing Friday morning. Please make sure your child brings his/her Valentine's to school with them Friday morning (they can bring them in any day, we just need to have them Friday morning so we can pass them out). Please only have your child write their name on the from part and leave the to part blank. This expedites the passing out process tremendously. If you need Valentine's for your child, we have a limited amount available on an as needed basis. Please let me know as soon as possible.
Check back tomorrow to see what we learned in math today!
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